Some good tips on posing. Remember that none of these are set in stone. Do what you think looks good.
Brilliant photos... Imagine that, they win awards and recognition!
This guy is going to be successful in photography. He's doing what's hard because it's beautiful and worth it.
Photographers need to understand this... right after they understand exposure.
A kickstarter project that looks cool.
Another kickstarter project that's even cooler for timelapse. Watch the video regardless if you're interested in the product.
Finally an authoritative guide for a path to professional photography.
Cute sibling picture
6 gong on 16
Such a cool kid
My sweet girl
Happy boy
The kiddos
I cannot believe the tripod and timer worked with this crew. And Levi is definitely eating sand.
The perfect mix of sweet and tough!
My loves.
]]>When seeking advice, consider the talent of the source of the advice. That seems simple enough, but when you’re starting out, you’ll come across so much advice. Some solicited some not. Even when you seek advice you may run across someone giving advice whose work just isn’t up to snuff. That’s fine and all; I mean we have the whole freedom of speech thing. But the level of work really speaks to the credit of the advice.
I read a lot of blogs, and most advice is solid. Every once in a while I’ll come across an article that will grab my attention and the pictures accompanying the text are just HORRIBLE. For example, I read an article about “Cropping to save an unusable image.” From where I sat, the image was just unusable. No amount of cropping would save that picture.
Now you’ve gotten here, reading this blog, and I’ll be spewing advice from time to time. By no means am I the defining voice of photography, but I hope that you’ll judge my advice according to my work. One thing I’ve always done is to seek out work that I like, and find out what techniques were used to achieve a certain effect. If you see it, you know it can be done; it’s just a matter of how to get it done.
BTW, please don’t judge my photography advice by the quality of my writing. If I start talking about writing novels, be skeptical.
My kids are frequently on the receiving end of my unsolicited advice.
Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. That’s about all the physics I know. You can observe this in different situations as it relates to actual objects and motion. That’s why it hurts to come to a sudden stop in a crash and why it takes a lot of energy to get something going. But it also applies to life.
I’m thinking of this specifically because I’m trying to gain momentum with this blog and my photography business. I’ve been pretty diligent for the first three days. I’ve promised myself that I’d write at least once a week, hopefully more. I’ll post all my photography projects as well as links and inspiration.
As far as the business goes, I'm trying to find some good commercial/editorial style ideas for shoots that I can work on. The idea is that I need to actually shoot what I want to be shooting if I expect to do something other than families and weddings. If you have a need for something like this or have any ideas, let me know. I want all my shoots to have a theme from now on.
I’m also trying to gain momentum with a workout plan. I’m thinking of competing in a short triathlon. I have some amazing athlete friends to help me and I’ll write about my progress along the way. I’ve got my head right, so as soon as I get clearance from the doctors, I’m doing it!
So readers, what are you building momentum for? How do you gain momentum for things you need to do?
This Corvette obviously wants to be in motion.
So I was diagnosed with Cancer on February 23rd. Testicular cancer. So there’s that. It’s a touchy subject on a couple different levels. A) it’s cancer and that seems like it should be a big deal, and B) it has to do with my twig and berries so I don’t know how much information is “TMI”.
My first reaction was “Man, it must suck to have to tell people that!” but the doctor immediately told me that it was a very curable cancer. 99% curable. Dr. Krejci at Anne Arundel Urology was fantastic in the whole diagnosis. He made me a priority. He ordered blood work and a CT Scan right away. They scheduled the surgery to have it removed for Wed February 29.
The blood work and CT scan came back good. So with no further treatment there’s an 80% chance that I’d be cured 20% that it could come back. With one dose of chemotherapy, the chance that it would recur is reduced to 5%.
So that’s where I am today. At the infusion center at Anne Arundel Medical Center. It’s hard to shake the stigma surrounding cancer and chemo treatments based on what’s on TV and movies. I’ve been assured that the side effects will be minimal for me, but it’s still in my head.
I don’t expect things should really change much with life. In theory. I’ve had a lot of time to sit around and think about things. I’ve decided to do 2 productive things. 1) Overhaul my photography business. I’m going to make a serious push to earn some real money with this. 2) Get in good physical shape. I had halfheartedly started trying to get in shape before the diagnosis, but I’m going to make it a priority.
So there it is. Next time I’ll talk about physics.